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Tributo Michael Jackson

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Molto più di un tributo a Michael Jackson.
E'  un vero show con tanto di coreografie ed effetti speciali. Somiglianza scenica, voce e  danza: questi gli ingredienti che rendono lo spettacolo qualcosa di veramente unico, attirando vecchi fan nostalgici del grande re della musica pop, ma anche nuove generazioni, uniti dall’amore per Michael Jackson, la sua musica e le sue canzoni.
Sergio Cortés, il miglior impersonator e sosia riconosciuto a livello mondiale, su palco  non si risparmia; le coreografie, eseguite insieme ai ballerini sono precise e scrupolose, ricreate nei minimi dettagli. Non mancano i grandi classici come “Man in the Mirror” “Thriller” “Smooth Criminal” “Heal the World” e tanti altri. Completano lo show i musicisti , potenti ma nel contempo raffinati e rigorosamente live.


Much more than a tribute to Michael Jackson. This is a real show, complete with choreography and special effects.
Stage presence, likeness, voice and dance: these are the ingredients that make this show something really unique, attracting nostalgic fans of the great king of pop music but also future generations – joined by the love for Michael Jackson, his music and his songs.
Sergio Cortes, recognised worldwide as being the best impersonator, does not save his energy on stage; the choreography, performed along with dancers, is accurate and authentic, reproduced to the finest detail.
Do not miss the great classics, such as “Man in the Mirror”, “Thriller”, “Smooth Criminal”, “Heal the World” and many others.
The musicians complete the show; they are powerful and energetic, yet still a polished live act.

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